Spending the day in Strasbourg – it’s the best of both France and Germany. We spent an afternoon walking in the charming town with its half-timber buildings decorated with window boxes full of flowers.
Storks are all over Alsace and are fun to see perched on the rooftops of Strasbourg. They are faithful creatures and will return to the same nest for their entire lives. If a stork should choose your house, local legend says it will bring luck to your family. This home must have a lot of luck.
I was surprised to learn that Strasbourg is the heart of the European democracy and the official seat of the European Parliament. It is also headquarters to the Council of Europe and home to the European Court of Human Rights too.
In the heart of Strasbourg at the Place Gutenberg is a beautiful carousel. My grandkids would love to ride on this colorful and magical French carousel, and maybe you’ll be tempted to try it too.
Strasbourg cathedral is an outstanding masterpiece of Gothic art. Its facade has hundreds of sculptures carved in pink sandstone that changes color throughout the day. I would have loved to see it during sunset.
Inside the cathedral is a Renaissance masterpiece, the Astronomical Clock. It was made by the combined efforts of Swiss clockmakers, sculptors, painters, and automation designers.
The main attraction of the clock is its animated figures featuring different ages of life, a child, a teenager, an adult and an old man, who all pass by Death. People crowd around it every hour so you might want to arrive early to get a good viewing spot.
I found an amazing craft store just off the Place Gutenberg. La Droguerie had beautiful things and great service – even though they only spoke French. I bought lots of fun beads for our Etsy shop KayandStar.