My g-kid is going to be Spiderman/Ironman from Spider-Verse. Only problem his mom couldn’t find the tentacles that his character has. So with a little help from Mimi we made it happen. Here are the directions. Here is the list of what you’ll need. Newspaper, Elmer’s Glue, Glue Gun, Cardboard, Duct Tape, Gold Paint, and a Color Printer for the Logo. It’s pretty easy and as you can see it only cost a few dollars.
First I tightly rolled up six newspaper for each leg. I started at the corner of a sheet of newspaper and rolled diagonally so it was about 36″ long.
Next, I took some strips and folded them about 1 inch wide. I then bent the tentacles and made joints and wrapped each joint with the folded strips to give them some bulk.
I then took wide strips of newspaper and covered one side with glue. I completely wrapped each tentacle and made sure the tip was pointed.
I cut out 3 squares with extensions like in the photo (the extensions are for attaching the legs). I hot glued 2 squares together and made cuts like in the second photo. I took braided webbing and put one piece through the 2 straight bottom slits – these are for the belt. I then insert the webbing through one side of the diagonal slits went around the belt webbing and then back through the other side of diagonal slits. Last I made a loop and slide through the front side of the belt. This created the harness so it was easy to take off. I painted then added a leg to each extension with lots of duct tape. (You can add heavy wire to reinforce the tentacles. The last step was to add the last piece of cardboard to cover the webbing and secure the tentacles.
I wrapped all of the cardboard in lots of duct tape and then printed a logo I found online and glued the logo to the back.
This was all the family spidermen from Spider-Verse. How cute are they?