DIY Adorable Family Skeleton Costume
1. Black sweatpants or leggings, black sweatshirt or long sleeve t-shirt – I found the best prices were at Walmart and Target.
2. Freezer paper
3. Acrylic Paint, White (thick type so that you can cover the black fabric)
4. Old Cardboard
5. Glow in the dark paint
1. Scissors
2. Iron
3. Large Stencil Brush
4. Foam Brush about 1″ wide.
Draw skeleton bones on freezer paper and then carefully cut them out. They will be the stencils you’ll use to paint.
Cut some old cardboard and insert them into the legs, sleeves and front of shirt. This will not only smooth out the fabric but will also prevent paint seeping into the back of the garment when you paint. Iron the stencils you made with the wax side down to the legs, arms and chest. Make sure all edges of the stencil are adhered properly, otherwise the white paint will leak out.
Use a heavy body white acrylic paint. Apply the paint to the pajama by using stippling or dabbing method with a dry brush. Start with a small amount of paint for the first layer, just dab all over the stencil area. It won’t make the whole area white immediately, the whiteness will increase gradually, layer by layer. For the following layers, you can put more paint on it because the first layer has already sealed the edges of the stencil to prevent any paint leaking out. Always allow the paint to dry before painting the next layer. For the last couple of layers paint with Glow in the Dark paint.
When it is completely dry carefully strip off the freezer paper stencil.
We added some fun accessories. We used a bike helmet and sprayed it black and added some blue fake fur. A man’s vest, tulle skirt, bright scarf and some hats make each look unique.