One night Mr. B asked me what was something I always wanted to do but never was able to do. I told him I always wanted to live in Paris even if it was just for one month. A few weeks later under the Christmas tree was an envelope and inside was a card with enough money to make that wish come true. I started planning that night. I looked online for an apartment to rent. I wasn’t looking for five stars but something nice, big enough for company and location, location, location. I found one in the center of Paris on the right bank very close to Pompidou. I decided to go in April when the weather was nice but the tourist season wasn’t crazy. My Grand Adventure was on. I would be alone half the time and for one week two of my dear friends Lisa and Alana would join me and then Mr. B would come for a week too.

Paris in the spring was magical. Seeing Notre Dam was everything I thought it would be.

I climbed to the top and hung out with the gargoyles.

I also went up to the top of the Eiffel Tower and this was the view. My girlfriends didn’t want to go but I highly recommend it.

Another thing I would recommend is going on a cruise on the Seine. It was very relaxing and I

This is what you say goodnight to every night in Paris.