This project was easier than it looks. The finished pavers are a highlight in my grandkids gardens. Finding colored tiles could be a challenge since most people don’t decorate with them but a big tile and flooring store will have them. I was lucky to find a bunch of left-over tiles at a local resale art supply store. You could also try Restore – it sells discarded building supplies.

We started with a sheet of paper the size of the paver. The kids drew their designs on the paper and then laid out the tiles directly on the paper. This made it easy to just pick up and transfer the cut tiles on place on the pavers.

The kids had fun breaking the tiles. Wear goggles and cover the tiles with a heavy towel to be safe.

I applied the tile adhesive to make sure it covered the paver and was the right application for the project. Then the kids transferred their tiles onto the paver.

Some adjustments needed to be made and the smaller the tiles the easier they are to fit the design.

Can you see the spider? Or the sunset?

The adults did the grouting (it wasn’t much fun for the kids).

I thought these turned out stunning and didn’t take that long to make. The kids were proud of their art work.